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A warm welcome humble reader

Welcome to Words of Darkness, my nifty little space on the net for writing about the World of Darkness. What's that? you may ask if you managed to stumble here by accident. World of Darkness is a setting based on reality with a slight twist and a plump cherry(it's probably poison, don't eat it!) on top. Many role-playing games, books, board games, and online tropes are based in the World of Darkness setting including Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: the apocalypse, and Hunter: the reckoning, to name a few.

So why write a blog about it? The world is a dark, deep, convoluted place full of monsters, demons, ghosts, and vampires. Navigating it can sometimes feel daunting to new players. Here, on Words of Darkness, I want to provide a guiding orb of light to assist those who lose their way, or to answer the lingering questions which hang limply in the minds of novice or advanced players alike.

It has been a long journey, almost 30 years since the World of Darkness was created. A new generation of kindred march on the horizon, we must tend to them or falter, for it's the players who keep the World spinning after all. Words of Darkness endeavours to provide quality content for players and fans of the setting and a helping hand to those who've lost their way.

Venture forth the darkness beckons, but not too far without a coterie by thy side young childe.


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